
for Friends & Family


A comprehensive collection of resources for managing crises and resolving conflicts.



Crisis Resolutions Podcast Trailer

In this podcast series, we will explore how to resolve crises through good ways of mutual defense

S01E01 Flexibility of Character

How to develop a positive mindset and attitude that can help us face difficulties with courage and optimism.

S01E02 Flexibility of Intelligence

How to use different types of thinking skills (such as analytical, critical, creative and emotional) that can help us understand complex issues and generate innovative ideas.

S01E03 Flexibility of Services

How to access and utilize various types of services (such as health care, social support, legal aid or financial assistance) that can help us meet our needs and goals.

S01E04 Flexibility of Community

How to build and maintain strong relationships with diverse groups of people (such as family, friends, colleagues or neighbors) that can provide us with emotional support, practical help or guidance.

S01E05 Flexibility of Systems

How to navigate and influence different systems (such as organizational structures, policies or norms) that affect our lives.



0. Crisis Resolutions Video Training Introduction

This course is a documentation of our code of ethics, and provides a framework for resolving any kind of human-sustained crisis.

1. About Good Ways

Good Ways are essential to promoting positive communication, collaboration, and understanding between individuals with different values, beliefs, technologies, policies, and intentions.

2. Personal Continence

The beginning of Crisis Resolutions' training series focuses on the genesis and growth of "Good Ways".

3. Mental Conscience

Episode 2 discusses the importance and benefits of practicing and investigating one's conscience.

4. Practical Presence

The third episode focuses on the importance of being present and aware in order to cultivate practical good ways that can help resolve crises.

5. Social Sense

Having a good sense of things can be beneficial in many ways. It can result in a more meaningful and ethical way of living.

6. Ethical Absence

Good Ways of Absence refer to the practice of being absent from certain behaviors, thoughts, or emotions that are deemed negative or unethical.

7. Mutual Defense

Mutual defense is considered a good way to protect oneself and others because it involves working together and sharing resources to ensure the safety and well-being of all.

8. Empirical Science

Science is a method of empirical inquiry that can help us achieve freedom, diversity, inclusion, fitness, and wellbeing.



1. About Crisis Resolution Docs+

Crisis Resolutions Docs Plus (For Friends & Family) is a documentation that provides training guidelines for personal crisis management, as well as tips for general well-being.

2. Good Ways

The main idea of our model is that General Well-being is important, and there are 8 Main Good Ways you can practice to achieve this.

3. Good Flexibility

Good flexibility means having a variety of ways to deal with crises, being open to changes, and adapting to unexpected situations.

4. Good Sensibility

Good Sensibility is a set of ways to help deal with mental health problems.

5. Good Sustainability

Looking towards the future, it's crucial that we prioritize the health of our planet.

6. Good Accessibility

Good Accessibility means that resources and support are available to everyone, no matter their abilities or circumstances.

7. Good Capability

Good Capability helps us handle difficult situations and solve crises.

8. Good Governance

Personal good governance is essential not only in organizational or societal settings but also in personal relationships with friends and family


No Homework - No Tests - No Prejudgements

Our Guides focus on helping you practice effective ways to overcome challenges and achieve well-being. Our Good Ways Model, which is our protocol for Crisis Resolutions, is presented in a simple, systematic, and repetitive manner throughout all episodes, so you won’t need to remember it. Personal and cooperative practice is key to mastering this model.

While the Good Ways Model can be a helpful tool, it is not required to practice effective ways and resolve crises. Self-effort is the foundation for becoming more autonomous, confident, and resilient in resolving all sorts of human-sustained crises, and we are here to provide assistance.

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a professional should be sought.

This production is not affiliated with or endorsed by any company mentioned in its case studies. The views and opinions expressed in this production are those of the authors and that of artificial intelligence and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the showcased companies.

This publication has been licensed under Creative Commons CC BY SA. This means that it can be shared, remixed, and used for commercial purposes as long as attribution is given to the original creator and any derivative works are licensed under the same terms.