Crisis resolution is a vital skill for anyone who faces challenges and difficulties in their personal or professional life. Crises can arise from various sources, such as mental health problems, financial stress, interpersonal conflicts, natural disasters or political instability. Crises can have serious consequences for individuals and communities, such as emotional distress, physical harm, social isolation or economic loss.
However, crises can also be opportunities for growth and transformation if they are handled effectively and constructively. One way to achieve this is through good ways of mutual defense, which means supporting oneself and others in times of crisis by using various strategies and resources that can enhance resilience and recovery.
In this podcast series, we will explore how to resolve crises through good ways of mutual defense based on a model that consists of five dimensions: flexibility, sensibility, sustainability, accessibility and capability. Each dimension covers different aspects of crisis resolution that can help us cope with adversity and overcome challenges.
The podcast series will consist of 25 episodes, each focusing on one element of each dimension. The episodes will feature insights, practical exercises and tips that listeners can try out themselves or with others.
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